Friday, September 12, 2014

Batman vs. superman fight- who will win?

I am coming with Batman vs superman fight comparison. In last few weeks, compared so many super heroes. They are popular among them. Ever since DC comics have given the world these two super heroes, fans have indulged in the never ending debate “Batman vs. superman – The better superhero”.

Of course there is no doubt in anybody’s mind on who will win in a hand to hand combat. Superman will win simply by virtue of his strength that he gets from his Kryptonian lineage. Nobody is interested in the hand to hand combat, the larger question is, who would you rather be? 

superman vs batman fight

Batman – the ultimate strategist or Superman- the man with extraordinary strength and vision. Some may argue that superman can win any fight with him; however what they forget is that Batman can plan an entire battle. 

One is gifted while the other has earned his reputation. One can fly while the other has gadgets that can take down anything that’s flying. One has god like power while the other is cape crusader. Deciding who will win in a heated battle is very difficult to gauge. 

Will Batman win? – Batman is fast, his agility is great, and he has the knowledge of over 50 martial arts which has been taught to him by the best in the business. His IQ is great which he uses very effectively to devise master tactics for his opponents.

The technology that he has is world class and he can give anyone a tough time with the cannons, guns and other interesting gadgets. On the flipside he suffers from all the problems of the common man. He can be poisoned and can get sick. The past haunts him to no end and his family means the world to him.

Can Superman win? – Superman is an alien from the planet Krypton. His powers come to the fore as soon as he is exposed to yellow sunlight. He becomes faster, stronger, more agile and not to forget the heat vision which comes handy.

Some even believe that his strength knows no bound and that he can move planets. So for a person who can move planets, Batman is no match at all. He will kill him with a flick of his thumb. However, Kryptonite is his weak point and everyone knows that. So a person as smart as batman wouldn’t miss this part. Prolonged exposure to Kryptonite will bring superman to his knees.

The debate is endless and it may or may not yield any results. Personally I don’t want them fighting each other at all. They are heroes that are looked up to not just because of the raw strength or the fancy gadgets.

They are looked up to because they take morally right decisions. They clean the society in their own unique way. Then why fight each other? Some may agree to this while others may not. But this doesn’t change the facts. They both have their weaknesses and their strong points.

Instead of arguing on who would win in a fight, we should rather focus on who is the better super hero. Is it a guy who has come from a different planet and risks his life to protect his new home? Or is it the guy who has lost everything here and still wants to give everything he has left to the society.

Whatever it is, the debate on “Batman vs superman” – The better superhero will go on for some time by my reckoning. 


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