Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Silver Surfer vs Superman fight

If you are looking for fight between Silver Surfer vs Superman then this site is for you. When we are in the world of comics, what comes first to our mind is Superman. Oh! Wait, are we forgetting someone? Of course, we are, he is Silver Surfer. If you are someone, who is energy freak, then Silver Surfer is your choice. Being a superhero is not enough; you ought to be popular as well. So here goes, what’s your say? Superman or Silver Surfer!

Well, there are many reasons for them to be different. Being from the two rival publications, Marvel and DC comics for Silver Surfer and Superman respectively, each of them have their own personality. Popularity is gained only when you are different from others. So, how Silver Surfer does gets differentiated from Superman. 

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If Superman is considered to be an American cultural icon, then Silver Surfer is a Universe icon. Well, because the Surfer was an astronomer who saved his home land from a planet devourer. 

Silver surfer vs superman

Talking about physical attributes, and then both are in same level of competition. If superman has a red cape that gives him an ability to fly around the world then the Surfer, as the name suggests, has a surfboard on which he could travel faster than light. Sounds like Subway surfer, Interesting!!!

Who has more power?

When it comes to power, both are power-packed and energetic where they can fight all the odds. But what if they are opposite to each other? This is where their energy is challenged. Both Superman and the Surfer have virtually the same energy source which is either derived from the sun or other planetary stars.

If these two are battling in Space, then it will be a battle of Gods! (Just saying)! It will be a nail biting match just like India vs. Pakistan, because these two can match their speeds with the Surfer being faster than light and Superman being faster than flash.

Silver Surfer: The Winner!

But, a survey and opinion polls reveal, well, this may be a bad news for Superman fans that the Silver Surfer wins hands down. This is because, the Surfer’s surfboard can absorb all kinds of attack which has made him fast and furious and this will ultimately beat Superman.

Thanks to Galactus, for his Power Cosmic to the Surfer. In case Superman, he is a man with high persona and moral values. He believes in forgiving his enemies and giving them a very last chance to improve.

Superman truly is a cultural icon. He is a superhero with superior heroism, and so he believes in creating an example for others, he is unmatchable, immensely powerful and of course knows everything about everybody. Well, a cool Superhero.

But when it comes to comparing the Silver Surfer and Superman, the majority of the votes will go to the surfer, because of his immense strength and the power of destroying anyone, be it superhero or not. He gets this popularity because of his strength received when he destroyed the planet devourer, Galactus and received in return, a very small portion of power cosmic.

He totally assimilated a new immensely powerful body, and his love of his life, i.e., surfboard which made him unique and fast than other superheroes. This does not in any way puts down the powers of a Superman. He is someone who has superhuman power and strength, with an 
amazing wit and intelligence.

So, keep deciding as on whom you would prefer as your superhero!!! In fight of silver surfer vs Superman, I will vote for Silver surfer.


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