Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wolverine VS Thor ultimate Fight

Many want to know who going to win the Wolverine vs Thor fight. What would be the result of this ultimate fighting? Let’s read some interesting comparison between thor vs wolverine. In the realm of the comic books, Wolverine and Thor both have received wide acclaim as well as popularity among the readers around the world.

Not only that their heroic deeds have amazed the readers but also their personal matters a lot to the interested comic book lovers. Moreover, both of the characters have come to the movies several times. There appearances in the movies have further increased their craze. But, when it comes to the proper comparison between the two characters, it is a bit problematic as John Logan (James Howlette is his original name) and Thor Odin have emerged from two different atmospheres.

Thor vs wolverine
Thor vs Wolverine

As the readers of the comic books keep on searching for new dimensions and backgrounds for the comic book plots, they also judge Wolverine and Thor from a very different point of view. According to that, it is not very easy to compare Wolverine Vs Thor.

However, there lie certain aspects where these two superheroes have some sort of competitions. That is their level of popularity. Popularity for the comic characters is a very important matter. Whether they would appear in the films or not, whether their upgrading would be done or not is done the aspect of their popularity.

In this respect, according to many, Wolverine is much ahead of Thor. These comic book buffs opine that Wolverine is a character who has a gray shade in his character, an unwilling hero, with his rugged behavior at the very outset and a heart of gold inside, which attracts the reader pretty much.

On the other hand, Thor, or Thor Odin is a demigod coming from the Greek mythology who is exiled to earth (As is specified in the earlier versions of the comic book and the movie too). His compassion as well as down to earth behavior is something that attracts the readers.

But in comparison, though both Wolverine and Thor are indestructible and immortal, Wolverine leads his journey through a sense of loss through the ages, whereas Thor has to deal with the unearthly monsters and threats for saving the world. Their deeds are completely different, yet it is the hurdles that they pass through actually increases and decreases their acceptability among the readers.

If one has to compare Wolverine Vs Thor he also has to look at the aspect of the movies as well. Now that the different movies on these two characters are out, it is very important to assess the popularity of these two characters based on them as well. 

The seven installments of the X-Men movies and the two installments of the Thor movies (and one Avengers movie) have made both the characters come to flesh and blood. But whereas Huge Jackman has acted in all the seven movies and is expected by the Wolverine fans to star in the installments to come despite his age, Chris Hemsworth, who played Thor, is deciding to shred of his role after the second installment of the Avangers 2.

Obviously this is a very clear indication that the role played by Jackman offered a new insight to the Wolverine fans, but in case of Hemsworth’s Thor, that factor was not really present. Many will surely complain on the stereotype presentation of Thor that has been done I both the comics and the movie, but this is also true that the character of Thor Odin is itself very stereotype.

Therefore, it is of no wonder that his never ending greatness is likely to be marred by the gray shaded Wolverine. This is the basic aspect where one can compare Wolverine Vs Thor.


Anonymous said...

i love wolverine and he is gonna beat shit out of thor weird hammer

Anonymous said...

no way wolverine gonna beat the thor. even in dreams wolverine cant beat the powerful thor as his hammer crush the head of wolverine :)

Anonymous said...

wolverine wolverine wolverine yes wolverine is the true superhero and i am agree with the author post that wolverine will be victorious if there is the film or movie on their fight

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